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Global Citizenship Education

Supporting people from different cultures to find their role as a world citizen

Intercultural Awareness

Creating open and safe spaces for intercultural discussions and idea exchange

Cancer screening

Enabling early detection and helping local communities gain access to healthcare

Advancing research

Helping to foster research partnerships with the help of ASEA-UNINET

Global citizenship education and intercultural exchange help to broaden the mindset of people and to fight arising extremist attitude

In small focus group discussions and religious meetings we could create an open space to ask questions and discuss delicate, sexual health related topics in order to prevent missunderstandings and to raise knowledge. For us it is very important to listen and understand different perceptions and values. At the same time we try to share […]

Cancer screening

Cancer screening

Of the estimated 528 000 new ICC cases worldwide, more than 80% occur in low and middle income countries. Incidence and mortality of cervical cancer remain high. This is due to a lack of effective screening programmes, limited awareness of both cervical cancer and human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and access to vaccination, late presentation is […]

Exploring interreligious and intercultural aspects of preventive care in women’s health

Daniela Paredes Grijalva, an anthropologist and social scientists from the University of Vienna, conducted this research as part of the YogyaHealth Global project in 2017 and found that an intercultural and interreligious approach to women’s health issues can contribute to bridge the gap between academic medical knowledge and local beliefs and practices. Dialogue implies meeting […]


This fruitful collaboration is celebrating its 10-year anniversary this year. It was funded in 2008. Ever since it has given great opportunities to people. It has enabled many students, young professionals and scientists to gain an amazing experience and to interchange knowledge. Through the intercultural and international exchange of ideas and techniques, many people have […]


We are very proud to announce that this year there will be two fellowships available. 2 young and ambitious people will get the chance to come to Austria to explore the rich culture, to interchange ideas and to gain knowledge in a wonderful environment. This exchange will again strenghen intercultural dialogue and the understanding of […]

Indonesian Global Health Team visits Austria

Indonesian Global Health Team visits Austria

The Indonesian Global Health Delegation received a very warm welcome high up in the mountains of Innsbruck, Austria. The incredible scenery was the perfect location to host this international meeting. We are very proud to live global citizenship with open dialogue and exchange of expertise to foster new ideas.

Welcome to the homepage of the YogyaHealth project

For over 8 years our innovative project has promoted intercultural dialogue through its collaborative nature, allowing an open and respectful exchange between scientists and physicians from the Republic of Austria and their colleagues at institutions in Yogyakarta and Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia. These fruitful interactions between individual doctors, scientists and many other healthcare professionals, all from […]

Yogyakarta Head and Neck Cancer Program

The Yogyakarta Head and Neck Cancer Program aims to establish a program of awareness and early detection of head and neck cancer, in particular nasopharyngeal cancer, among the population of Yogyakarta Province. Various projects to achieve this goal have been established.  

Preventing Nasopharyngeal Cancer in Indonesia

Preventing Nasopharyngeal Cancer in Indonesia

NPCAA project Developing a mobile app to raise awareness of Nasopharyngeal Cancer (NPC) and to gather epidemiological data SUMMARY: Yogyahealth aims to develop a mobile application, text messaging alert system, and website to improve NPC awareness in local communities in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Additionally, this will improve patient compliance with treatment and establish a tool for […]